§ 3.5.7. Transitional buffer zone requirements.  

Latest version.
  • Where a lot on the external boundary of the Stonecrest Area Overlay District adjoins the boundary of any property outside the overlay district that is zoned for any R classification, RM classification, MHP classification, or TND classification, a transitional buffer zone not less than fifty (50) feet in width shall be provided and maintained in a natural state or so as to maintain an effective visual screen. Said transitional buffer zone shall not be paved and shall not be used for parking, loading, storage, or any other use, expect where necessary to grade or modify a portion of the transitional buffer zone for the installation of utilities necessitated by the development. Water detention ponds shall not be located within transitional buffer zones. No trees, other than dead or diseased trees, shall be removed from said transitional buffer zone, but additional trees and plant material may be added to the transitional buffer zone.

( Ord. No. 15-06 , 8-25-2015)