§ 6-18. Members.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The airport advisory board shall be composed of nine (9) members, each of whom shall be a resident of the county.


    For the purpose of appointing members of the advisory board, there shall be nine (9) posts for membership with appointments made as follows:


    Post 1, the member of the board of commissioners from commissioner district 1 shall make the appointment.


    Post 2, the member of the board of commissioners from commissioner district 2 shall make the appointment.


    Post 3, the member of the board of commissioners from commissioner district 3 shall make the appointment.


    Post 4, the member of the board of commissioners from commissioner district 4 shall make the appointment.


    Post 5, the member of the board of commissioners from commissioner district 5 shall make the appointment.


    Post 6, one (1) of the at-large members of the board of commissioners shall make the appointment.


    Post 7, the other at-large member shall make the appointment.


    Post 8, the chief executive officer shall make the appointment.


    Post 9, the board of commissioners shall make the appointment by majority vote with the concurrence of the chief executive officer.


    Each member of the advisory board shall serve for a term of office concurrent with the term of office of the person who appointed the member except that the member appointed to Post 9 shall serve a four-year term and except any such member shall hold over until a successor is appointed.


    The initial appointments to membership on the advisory board shall be made within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived. Thereafter, the chief executive officer and each member of the board of commissioners shall make their respective appointments to membership on the advisory board within fifteen (15) days after taking the oath of office for a full term of office as chief executive officer or a member of the board of commissioners. The appointment of the member for Post 9 shall be made within fifteen (15) days after the chief executive officer takes the oath of office for a full term of office.


    The members shall receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in pursuing the business of the advisory board, pursuant to rules and regulations established by the chief executive officer for reimbursement of county officers, agents and employees in the performance of official business.


    Should a vacancy occur in the membership of the advisory board either by resignation, death, change of residence, removal or for any other reason, the entity entitled to make the original appointment shall, within not more than thirty (30) days after the date of the vacancy, appoint a person to serve as a member of the advisory board for the unexpired term of the member whose post is vacant. Until a vacancy is filled, the total number of members of the advisory board, for the purposes of determining a quorum, shall not include the vacant post.


    Any member may be removed from office for good cause affecting the ability to perform duties as a member, for misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office, or for violating the conflict of interest provisions of this section, by majority vote of the board of commissioners upon the motion of the person by whom the member was appointed or, in the case of the member holding Post 9, upon motion of any member of the board of commissioners, but only after a public hearing at which such member is given the right to present evidence in the member's own behalf and only upon a finding by two-thirds of the other members that good cause for removal affecting the member's ability to perform duties as a member exists, or that the member was guilty of misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, or that the member violated the provisions of subsection (h) of this section.


    Chapter 2, article II, division 2 shall apply to the members of the advisory board and they and each of them shall be deemed to be an "appointed official" with respect to their duties as members of the advisory board. Any violation of such division by a member of the advisory board shall be grounds for removal.

(Code 1976, §§ 6-4003, 6-4004, 6-4006—6-4009)