§ 5.3.3. Sight visibility triangles.  

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    Sight Triangles


    No structure, fence, wall, sign, hedge or planting, or any similar improvement will be permitted to obstruct the sight lines or visibility of motorists and/or pedestrians at any intersection of public or private streets or at any driveway intersection with a public or private street. All intersecting streets and driveways must meet the intersection and stopping sight distance requirements as outlined in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official's (AASHTO's) "A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets," current edition.


    For purposes of this section, obstructions shall be prohibited if any part thereof is more than thirty (30) inches and less than eight (8) feet above local streets and driveways, or more than thirty (30) inches and less than twelve (12) feet above any street classified as collector or higher.


    Properties requiring GDOT approvals shall also comply with GDOT standards for sight visibility triangles and sight distances.

( Ord. No. 15-06 , 8-25-2015)