Each new application for a development permit within the Stonecrest Area Overlay District
shall be accompanied by a multi-modal access plan prepared at a scale not greater
than one inch equals one hundred feet (1"=100'). The multi-modal access plan shall
cover the full extent of the proposed development along with public rights-of-way
of adjoining streets and any other property lying between the subject property and
the nearest public streets on all sides. The purpose of the multi-modal access plan
is to demonstrate a unified plan of continuous access to and between all buildings
in the proposed development and adjacent properties. Connections to available transportation
modes, such as driveways, sidewalks, and bike paths shall be shown along adjacent
streets and those entering adjoining properties. Safe and convenient pedestrian ways
shall be provided from sidewalks along streets to each building entrance, including
pedestrian access routes across parking lots and between adjacent buildings within
the same development. Where an existing or planned public transportation station or
stop is within one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) feet (straight line distance)
from any boundary of the subject property, the access plan shall show how pedestrians
may safely travel from such station or stop to the subject property. Where an existing
or planned bike path is located within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of the
subject property, the access plan shall show how safe, continuous and convenient bicycle
access shall be provided to the subject property.
Ord. No. 15-06
, 8-25-2015)
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