§ 3.36.10. Building standards.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Standards for detached single-family residences (Tiers I, II, III, IV), cottages (CO) and urban single family (U-SF) detached residences (Tiers I, I-NC):

    Min. Lot size (sq. ft.) Min. Lot width (ft.) Min. House size (sq. ft.) Min. Front yard setback (ft.) * Min. Side yard setback (ft.) Min. Side corner yard (ft.) Min. Rear yard setback (ft.) Max. Height ***
    Tier I, I-NC 5,000, or 2,000 for CO, 1,350 for U-SF 50, or 20 for CO, 20 for U-SF Min. 1,000, or Min. 800 for CO, Max. 1,200 for CO, Min. 1,100 for U-SF 20, or 10 w/ rear alley access 3 and 10 separation of buildings, or 3 for U-SF 10 10 35
    Tier II 5,000 50 1,000 30 7.5 15 30 28 **
    Tier III 7,500 70 650 35 7.5 15 30 28
    Tier IV 6,000 60 1,200 30, 35 for minor arterial, 45 for major arterial 7.5 15 30 35


    * Setback averaging shall apply. See 5.2.1.C.

    ** Max. 32 feet (ft.) height if non-conforming lot or building

    *** Architectural projections which may include parapets, skylights and roof access enclosures are exempt from height requirements.


    Standards for attached single-family attached residences (townhomes) in Tier I, Tier I-NC, and Tier IV Lantern Ridge:

    Min. Lot size * (sq. ft.) if subdivided Min. Lot width for total property, or lot width if subdivided Min. House size (sq. ft.) Min. Front yard setback Min. Side yard, or separation of buildings Min. Side corner yard setback (ft.) Min. Rear yard setback Max. Height
    Tier I, I-NC 1,000 100, or 20 if subdivided 1,200 5 10 10 10 35 in Tier I, 45 in I-NC
    Tier IV: Lantern Ridge 1,000 100, or 20 if subdivided 1,200 5 10 10 10 45


    * Lot size, width, and setbacks not applicable to fee-simple condominiums. See chapter 27-5.7.6.B.


    Standards for Two-Family and Three-Family (TTF) attached residential (not stacked) in Tier I and Tier I-NC.

    Min. Lot size * (sf.) if subdivided Min. Lot width, or Lot width if subdivided (ft.) Min House size (sq. ft.) Front yard setback (ft.) Min. side yard, or Min. separation of buildings (ft.) Min. Side corner yard setback (ft.) Min. Rear yard setback (ft.) Max. Height (ft.)
    Two and Three Family 4,000 100, or 50 per unit 1,000 Min. 10, or Max. 20 3, or 10 10 10 35


    * Lot size, width and setbacks not applicable to fee-simple condominiums. See Chapter 27-5.7.6.B.


    Standards for Mixed-Use and Non-residential in Tier I and Tier I-NC

    Min. Lot size (sf.) Min. Lot width (ft.) Min. Unit size (sf.) Front yard setback (ft.) (Min./Max.) Min. side yard for total property/Min. separation (sep.) of buildings (ft.) Min. Side corner yard (ft.) Min. Rear yard setback (ft.) Max. Height (ft.) *
    Tier I N/A N/A 650 0 min., 25 max. 0/15 sep. for 2-story big, or 20 if 3-story 0 15 35
    Tier I-NC N/A N/A 650 0 min., 15 max. 0, or 20 sep. 0 15 70


    * Subject to transitional height plane standards. See Chapter 27-5.2.4.


    Miscellaneous building standards for all Tiers:


    Corner lots shall not be required to have an additional fifteen (15) feet of street frontage.


    Setback averaging shall apply pursuant to section 27-5.2.1.C. otherwise the front yard setback shall be as shown above.


    No lot shall be developed to exceed the maximum allowable coverage by buildings, structures, driveways or parking areas, or any other impervious surface specified as follows:


    Detached Single-Family Residential—35%


    Attached Single-Family Residential—75%


    Two- and Three-Family Residential—55%


    Mixed-Use and Non-Residential—80%


    Measurement of building height shall be in accordance with section 27-5.25 of the Code.


    Fences along public right-of-way shall be four (4) feet maximum. Fence height shall be measured from ground level. If ground level is lower than the level of the adjoining street pavement, then a fence may be higher so that it may be four (4) feet above the level of the pavement. The level of ground shall not be altered in such a way to provided additional fence height.

( Ord. No. 18-04 , Pt. I, 9-25-2018)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 18-04 , Pt. I, adopted Sept. 25, 2018, repealed § 3.36.10 in its entirety and enacted new provisions to read as herein set out. Former § 3.36.10 pertained to measurement of building, and derived from Ord. No. 15-06 , adopted Aug. 25, 2015.