§ 3.35.16. Required parking.  

Latest version.
  • In order to promote a pedestrian-oriented community, required parking may be provided through a combination of off-street or shared parking, provided that all required parking is located within seven hundred (700) feet of the principal entrance of the building which it is intended to serve. In this pedestrian-oriented district, parking shall be encouraged in the rear of proposed structures, in parking decks and internal to new developments. The minimum number of required parking spaces shall be as follows:


    Shopping centers, retail uses, personal service uses, and other commercial and general business uses, including food stores —Minimum of four (4) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area.


    Office and clinic uses —Minimum of three (3) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area.


    Hotel and motel uses —Minimum of one (1) space per room and one (1) space per employee based on the largest shift.


    Multifamily residential uses —Minimum of one (1) space per unit for the first bedroom, plus one-half (0.50) space per additional bedroom.


    Restaurant uses —Minimum of five (5) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet.


    [Shared parking.] Shared parking is encouraged and may result in permitted reductions of off-street parking requirements. Parking facilities within a lot may be shared if multiple uses cooperatively establish and operate parking facilities, and if these uses generate parking demands primarily when the remaining uses are not in operation, so that the above stated off-street parking requirements for each use are met during said use's operational hours. Applicants shall make an application to the planning director or designee for authorization for shared parking. Applicants shall include proof of a written formal shared-parking agreement between all applicants prior to consideration. Shared parking lots shall be fully implemented prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the development. A majority of shared spaces must lie within seven hundred (700) feet of the main entrance to the principal use for which the parking is provided. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the minimum parking requirement must be met onsite before qualifying for shared parking. Required parking for residential units shall be prohibited from being shared.


    [Residential parking.] Required residential parking shall be segregated from parking for all other uses with the exception of additional parking provided for live-work single-family detached units.


    [Bicycle parking.] All nonresidential developments which provide automobile parking facilities shall provide bicycle parking facilities in parking structures, parking lots or the landscape zone of the sidewalk at a ratio of one (1) bicycle parking space for every twenty (20) automobile spaces. Multifamily residential developments shall provide bicycle parking facilities at a ratio of at least one (1) bicycle parking space for every five (5) multifamily units. No nonresidential development shall have fewer than three (3) bicycle parking spaces nor be required to exceed a maximum of fifty (50) bicycle parking spaces.


    [Location.] All off-street parking including surface lots and parking decks shall be located behind or beside buildings. Off-street parking shall be screened from view from any public street using buildings and/or landscaping.


    [Screening.] Any portion of a parking deck that is visible from a public street shall be screened from public view with ground-floor retail, and any upper stories shall have a façade constructed with materials permitted in the Northlake Overlay design guidelines and designed to resemble office or residential buildings with fenestration.


    [Duration of parking.] Surface parking provided to the side of any building along a public street shall be designated for short-term (no longer than two (2) hours) parking and must be buffered from the public street and sidewalk with a landscape strip no less than six (6) feet in width containing a minimum of ninety (90) percent living shrubs, groundcover, sod and/or annual or perennial flowering plants the landscape strip surface area.


    [Wheel stops, bumpers.] Wheel stops or bumpers shall be placed at the head of all parking spaces that abut a landscape strip or sidewalk.


    [Landscaping.] See section 3.35.18F. for landscaping requirements for parking lots and parking structures.


    [Alternate locations.] If required automobile parking spaces cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is conducted, such spaces may be provided on adjacent or nearby property within the overlay district, provided a majority of such spaces lie within seven hundred (700) feet of the main entrance to the principal structure for which the parking is provided.


    [On-street parking.] On-street parking spaces provided by a development shall not be permitted to be counted toward the minimum parking requirements for the respective development.


    [Restrictions.] No parking area may be used for the sale, repair, dismantling, servicing, or long-term storage of any vehicles or equipment.

( Ord. No. 15-06 , 8-25-2015)