§ 20-11. Access to records.
The director shall have access to all departmental personnel records, documents and papers in order to discharge the director's duties. The department heads shall have access to such records as deemed pertinent by the director to their department and the discharge of their duties. Performance rating reports shall be accessible to the department head concerned, the director, the merit system council, the board of commissioners and the employee involved. Such performance reports may be reviewed by other individuals only for official purposes on a need-to-know basis at the discretion of the director. The merit system council shall have access to all records necessary to discharge its duties. Other personnel information may be made available for official purposes at the discretion of the director. Information which is obtained by employees in the course of their official duties shall not be released or made available to anyone other than employees charged with this responsibility as part of their official duties.
(Code 1976, § 2-3013)