§ 17-193. Turning movements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    When completing a left turn on two-way roadways, bicyclists shall merge to the portion of the roadway nearest the centerline thereof and shall negotiate the left turn so as to enter the intersecting roadway near the right side of the centerline, giving right-of-way to all vehicles proceeding through the intersection in the opposite direction.


    When completing a right turn, motor vehicles shall yield the right-of-way to bicycles crossing the intersecting roadway or completing a right turn.


    All vehicles or bicycles making turns at intersections shall not proceed into the intersection nor make this turn without first yielding the right-of-way to all bicycles or other vehicles within or approaching the intersection and shall proceed only when it is safe to do so.


    A bicyclist may also negotiate a left turn by dismounting the bicycle and crossing as a pedestrian, leading the bicycle to the other side of the intersecting roadway, and hence to the other side of the traffic roadway. When the person dismounts from a bicycle, such person shall then obey the regulations applicable to pedestrians.


    When a bicycle "ride" control signal is shown, the bicyclist may proceed across the roadway in the direction of the signal and while so proceeding across the roadway has the right-of-way over other vehicles. When a bicycle "wait" control signal is shown:


    The bicyclist facing the signal shall not commence to cross the roadway until bicycle ride control signal is shown.


    A bicyclist proceeding across the roadway when a wait signal is shown after the bicyclist has entered the roadway shall quickly proceed across the roadway and has the right-of-way for that purpose over other vehicles.

(Code 1976, § 8-12013.4)