§ 17-116. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this article, certain terms and words are defined. Where words have not been defined, but are defined in a subsequent sub-section of this article, those words shall have the meaning as defined therein. The following words, terms and phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

    Affected area means a geographic portion of a neighborhood consisting of all property owners whose quality of life as a resident in the neighborhood, and not necessarily as a traveler through the neighborhood, is being directly impacted by the cut-through or speeding traffic problem being addressed. The affected area will include all lots from which residents must traverse the traffic calming measure. The affected area will also include all lots from which residents may have an alternate route without traffic calming measures but whose lots have driveways that access the residential street for which traffic calming measures are sought.

    Department means the public works department.

    Eligible petitioner means the person whose name is recorded as a property owner in the tax records maintained by the county's tax commissioner and board of tax assessors for the address listed on the petition that falls within the affected area.

    Initiator is a real property owner who has requested an initial interest petition form and/or has assumed a primary role in circulating the initial interest petition and the subsequent traffic-calming petition and undertakes to serve as the county's sole contact with respect to the progress of the initial interest petition and any subsequent traffic study and traffic-calming petition.

    I. T. E. means the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

    MUTCD means the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

    Real property owners means homeowners or other real property owners as indicated in the tax records maintained by the county's tax commissioner and board of tax assessors.

    Reference number means the number assigned to a completed initial interest petition which meets the county's criteria for a study that will be used to determine the order in which traffic studies will be conducted.

    Residential street means a street classified and defined as "residential" in the records of the DeKalb County Planning Department.

    Traffic-calming measures means those methods and processes, prescribed by "AASHTO" or other nationally recognized organizations, that the county may use to reduce aggressive driving behavior that impairs the quality of life of its citizens in any neighborhood in which the posted speed limit is no greater than thirty (30) miles per hour. Such measures include, but are not limited to, speed humps, bicycle lanes, center traffic islands, splitter islands, and striping and turn restriction lanes.

    Traffic-calming program guidelines means the guidelines for the design and application of speed humps and alternative traffic-calming measures adopted by the county with the traffic-calming program in May 1995 and revised thereafter in March 2001.

    Traffic study means the process by which data pertinent to the flow, rate of speed and density of traffic, collected over a defined period of time, is measured and analyzed to determine its impact on the safety of citizens within a neighborhood or affected area.

(Ord. No. 05-06, Pt. I, 4-26-05)